Wednesday, 14 February 2007

How to be polite in SL (and typically British)

Sample from conversation after I had mistakenly skated into a fox in a tuxedo:

[17:03] Fox: Whoops

[17:03] PZ: sorry!

[17:03] Fox: No im sorry

[17:03] PZ: i'm more sorry

[17:03] Fox: Im the most sorry by far +1 (:

[17:03] PZ: i'm sorry x100

[17:04] Fox: Ok I so sorry that I would win the 'im sorry compition 5 years runntin' (:

[17:04] Fox: and the cand spell compitition

[17:04] PZ: for be, being sorry is a way of life

[17:05] PZ: cand spell = can't speel?

[17:05] Fox: Bless you, you must be English also

[17:05] PZ: heehee yes

... after which we had a lengthy discussion on the lack of chicken in SL.


Anne said...

Very funny to read this only a couple of days after pointing out to you that you don't need to apologise so much in your emails!

PGCert said...

quite! ;-)