Aye aye Captain!
Yep, as predicted I’ve returned from RL holiday with fascination with all things BOAT. Just popped into SL and visited Anyway, have renewed faith in the FUN factor in SL after meeting a new crowd and going to a new club last night where we mud-wrestled (clothed – it was all good clean fun), sat on dancing cows and played Bronco on the BIGGEST BULL I HAVE EVER SEEN and basically swapped inventory items (drinks, dance moves, animations, objects) and listened/danced the night away to a stream of 80s classics. Ace bunch of people – it’s the Harley Davidson area, well worth a visit.
Came across this lovely lot as during my absence somebody had installed a wall of clouds into my apartment, and I can’t seem to move it. IM’d the creator, we got chatting and immediately clicked and she ended up TPing me over… interestingly, she thought I was a man when we were just talking through IM, apparently due to my ‘direct and no bullshit’ manner. Wonder if she would have thought I was picking a fight if she knew that I was female when we first started chatting…?
Anyway, she’s fantastic – definitely one of the funniest SLifers I’ve met…
But back to the sailing. Well I haven’t actually done any yet but hopefully will find time this week, and am more than encouraged by the amount of in-world yachting clubs and articles such as Sailors take skills learned in Second Life to Real Life
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